Saturday, January 26, 2013

DTS-Si Technology

As common biker or as laymen we keep hearing that so and so bike features what is called DTS-Si technology, but we hardly understand what it means except being familiar with the term maybe through the commercials/advertisements.

Well, the DTS-Si or the Digital Twin Spark-Swirl Induction is a technology where dual spark plugs are used and that it is known to give great mileage to the bikes and this is main purpose why the major bike manufacturers use the technology in their bikes. The DTS-Si technology will likely give unbelievable fuel efficiency provided the bike runs in standard test conditions.

Generally, the 100cc motorbikes do not offer such a mileage but the DTS-Si technology powered bikes give a greater mileage, which is the biggest advantage for the bikes. As the technology uses 2 spark plugs to initiate the combustion of air-fuel mixture, it leaves little unburnt fuel within the engine.

Why is the DTS-Si technology better than the conventional single spark plug equipped engine?

Apart from giving an amazing mileage to the bike, the engine enabled with DTS-Si technology does not compromise on technology. In a traditional single spark plug oriented the combustion process is very slow. This is because the spark plug is located at one end of the combustion chamber, which sparks the air-fuel mixture and the flame inflates like a balloon that takes some time to reach the remote corner of the combustion chamber that delays the combustion process. Whereas, in the DTS-Si technology equipped engine the cylinder head is fitted with two spark plugs at two of corners of the combustion chamber, which ensures that the sparks emit from two ends of the chamber and the air fuel mixture ignites to produce two flame fronts thus, the process of combustion is faster and also the pressure rises at a good pace. This technology in the engine promotes greater torque, fuel-efficiency and low emission.

Friday, December 31, 2010

About Mechanical Engineer Careers

Mechanical engineering refers to the research, development and production of tools, machinery and other mechanical appliances as they relate to the principles of physics. It is one of the oldest and broadest branches of engineering, focusing on power-producing and power-using machines. A solid understanding of mechanics, kinematics (the science of objects in motion), thermodynamics and energy are essential to the profession.


  1. Depending on the university, a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree can take four or five years to complete, and like all engineering degrees requires concentrated studies in mathematics and physics. The curriculum also emphasizes general engineering, life sciences, social sciences and humanities.
  2. Work

  3. Mechanical engineers generally work a standard 40-hour week; much of their time is spent designing, developing, testing and overseeing the production of internal combustion engines, electric generators, and gas- and steam-driven turbines. They also apply their expertise to power-using machines such as cars, aircraft, elevators, refrigerators, and heating and air conditioning systems, as well as robotics. A mechanical engineer's work might involve engineering challenges that range from the deep sea to, perhaps one day, deep space.
  4. Duties

  5. Mechanical engineers working in labs employ specially designed 2-D and 3-D computer programs to create inexpensive computer models, testing expected load capabilities, fatigue tolerances and manufacturability of future tools and products. This allows hundreds or perhaps thousands of design modifications to be safely and quickly tested. The use of computersand sophisticated optimization algorithms also allows mechanical engineers to explore new and often better tool designs that could lead to solutions to problems that plague a variety of types of engineers.
  6. Benefits

  7. The efforts of other engineers, such as those working in agricultural production or manufacturing, often depend on tools designed and developed by mechanical engineers. Many mechanical engineers, working and merging with other disciplines of engineering, undertake long-term research studies and developmental projects pushing the boundaries of what is physically possible.
  8. Salaries

  9. In 2006, there were approximately 1.5 million engineers across the United States; about 227,000 were mechanical engineers. Pay for engineers varies widely, depending on specialty, industry and education. Among college graduates with bachelor's degrees, engineers earn some of the highest average starting wages. The bottom 10 percent of mechanical engineers earned an average of about $45,000 in 2006, the top 10 percent more than $100,000. The median salary for this branch of engineering was about $70,000 a year.

one liner joke.

What's the difference between
chopped beef and pea soup?
Everyone can chop beef, but not
everyone can pea soup!
A magician was driving down
the road..then he turned into a
drive way...
Why don't aliens eat clowns.
Because they taste funny.
What do you call a fish with no
A fsh
Two snowmen are standing in a
field. One says to the other :
"Funny, I smell carrots too".
What do you get when you cross
an elephant and a rhino?
Two peanuts walk into a bar.
One was a salted.
Once upon a time there were
two muffins in the microwave.
Suddenly, on of the muffins says:
"Man it's hot in here!!!!"
The other muffin exclaims,
"Look a talking muffin!!!!"

Friday, December 24, 2010


Hi frnd.
Finally i created a blog. Now i will try to post smthing useful here....hope u would like them.
Ravi kumar.